The Importance of Data Curation in Your Clinical...

Good data is the basis for good science and reliable results. It is important for your research platform to collect, validate, curate, analyze, communicate, and secure...

Clinical Research Budget: How Much Should You...

If you’ve ever been tasked with developing a clinical research budget, you know it can be daunting.

There are so many costs and variables to consider. And when it comes...

Center-TBI study provides a natural experiment in...

Traumatic brain injury from external physical force can lead to an alteration to brain function. Center-TBI, a European consortium of experts that aims to improve the...

Handling Missing Data for Study Subjects That are...

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs as a result of external forcible impact and ranks among the significant causes of death and disability. It was once considered an...

TRACK-TBI indicates that mild traumatic brain...

Current standards of care assume that patients recover from mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) within three months. A major study that appeared earlier this year in...

Eye Movement Analysis Can Provide Insight into AD...

An accumulation of evidence indicates that patients in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) show subtle changes in cognition that traditional assessments may...

Baseline cognitive assessments are important for...

As with many conditions, early recognition and diagnosis of dementia are key to managing symptoms and devising a treatment strategy. Understanding what to look for can...